Church Updates


  • Reformation Celebration: Our annual Reformation Celebration will take place on October 30th from 5:30-7:30 PM. Dinner will be provided at 6:00 PM. We will have a cakewalk, bouncy castle, face painting, food, candy and more! All free! We look forward to seeing you there. Candy donations are needed, please see Sheryl Eggert or call the church office for more details and volunteer opportunities. Sign-up sheets are posted in the Narthex.
    Tampa Bay Area PCA Reformation Worship Service: 
    Our joint service will be taking place Sunday evening, October 27th at 6:00 PM at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Riverview, FL (12404 Boyette Road, Riverview, FL 33569). Aldo Mondin is the preacher for this years’ service. The offering will go to support RUF at USF. There will be activities planned for the youth following the service. $5.00 is requested for each participant to cover the cost of the Pizza provided during the youth activity time. Redeemer also asks that each family attending bring a plate of finger food to share.
  • "Ask the Pastor":  We will be having an “Ask the Pastor” your questions about the Scriptures during evening worship on October 6th.  Submit your questions to Pastor Wes and Pastor Jeremy by October 1st . or
  • Inquirers' Class:  This is a great opportunity to be introduced to the doctrinal beliefs, church life, and membership vows of Westminster Presbyterian Church.  This is a two-part class that will meet on Friday, October 4th from 7:00 - 8:00 pm and on Saturday, October 5th from 10:00 - 12:00 pm.  Please contact Pastor Wes or Jim Eggert if you have questions.
  • Wedding Shower: Ladies, come help us celebrate the upcoming wedding of Jaqueline Pineda and Ethan Eggert. The Women’s Ministry of Westminster will be having a wedding shower for Jaqueline on Saturday, October the 12th from 10:00 – 12:00 in the Church Fellowship Hall. Jaqueline is registered on Amazon under Jaqueline Pineda and Ethan Eggert. Their wedding date is November 23, 2024.
  • Adult Sunday School Class: A new Adult Sunday School class on Biblical Sexuality has begun.  It will follow the Twelve Statements outlined by the PCA Report of the Ad Interim Committee submitted to the 48th General Assembly. Not only will this class address the issues and challenges raised recently in our culture, it will provide a Reformed theology of sanctification as it relates to the issues and challenges to Biblical Sexuality. The class will be taught by Pastors Wes & Jeremy, as well as other members of the Session of the church. We believe that the subject matter will be suitable for Jr. & Sr. High students, but ultimately that judgment will be left to the parents.
  • Communicants Class:  Pastor Jeremy is offering a Communicants Class during the Fall Sunday School hour which has begun.  The class is for children ages 10-17 years in order to prepare them for becoming communing members of the church.  Contact Pastor Jeremy with questions (656)-200-2559.
  • Apologetics Conference:  On the weekend of October 25-27, Flavien Pardigon (one of our missionaries) will be at Westminster to lead a short Apologetics Conference. He authored Paul Against the Idols: A Contextual Reading of the Areopagus Speech. This book is based upon his Ph.D. theses which he earned from Westminster Theological Seminary. Flavien ministers the gospel on several different continents, supporting indigenous Reformed churches in countries where the gospel faces significant headwinds. He also teaches in a variety of theological institutions on four different continents.
  • RUF Ministry at USF:  The RUF ministry at USF began the year with 185 students at their first meeting, including 151 freshmen!  This far exceeds any budgetary planning that Aldo had foreseen.  For the next several weeks in September we are taking up a special collection to help Aldo minister to this enormous influx of students into the RUF ministry.  You may easily give to Aldo and the students at USF online by scanning this this QR code.  You may also give by check made out to WPC, memo to RUF at USF.                    

  • Wednesday Night Fellowship Night and Bible Study:  We meet at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall.  Meals are provided for a suggested donation of $3.00 per person or $12.00 maximum per family.  Pastor Wes is currently leading us in a study of Zechariah.
  • Brandon Classical Christian School: Just a reminder to tell friends and family about our new Classical Christian School that will be starting with kindergarten this fall.
  • Men’s Round Table Study Group:  Meets at 7:00 PM on Tuesday nights (other than 3rd Tuesday of the month) in the Library • Currently studying “Walking by The Spirit”. Contact Pastor Jeremy Fuller, (656) 200-2559, for details.
  • Men’s Reading Group:  Meets at 7:00 PM on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.  The next meeting will be 9/10.  Contact Pastor Wes, (813)470-8303), if  you have questions.
  • Women’s Circle Bible Studies:  We are pleased to offer two different studies for our women’s Bible study classes.  SAVED: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts, by Nancy Gutherie will begin on September 24th (Morning and Evening – 2nd/4th Tuesdays).  SAVED will examine the entire book of Acts, peering into the lives of the apostles in the days following the resurrection of Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  ACTS Part 1 – PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT will begin on October 2 (7:00 – 1st/3rd Tuesdays).  Using the Precept study method, we will dig deep into the first 12 chapters of Acts in which Luke recorded what happened after Jesus’ ascension to the Father.  Sign ups will be available at the Get Acquainted Brunch.                                  
  • Small Group for Parents with Young Children: A small group for parents with young children has started and will meet once a month at 6:30 PM at the Pittman home.  The group will be studying "Shepherding A Child's Heart" by Ted Tripp. A meal will be provided.  Please see Sylvester Pittman if you have questions or an interest in being in this small group.
  • Evening Service: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday, at 6:00pm you can join us for our evening worship services. This is a smaller service, which includes a Hymn Sing, where we all choose our favorite hymns to sing together.
  • Westminster APP: To download our Church App on your phone or tablet, go to Google Play or The Apple Store and search for “WPC Brandon” and it should pop up immediately. When you download the app, we would like you to go to the top right corner (settings) and add your picture under “profile”. This will act as a picture directory for new members to recognize you.