The Women's Ministry is very active in our congregation. The ladies meet often for mutual encouragement, fellowship, Bible study, and service in church.
The Women's Ministry is organized through the Women's Ministry Council. The Council consist of the Leader and several coordinators: Spiritual Life, Missions, Mercy Ministries, Hospitality, Social, Stewardship, and Communications.
The Women's Ministry is organized through the Women's Ministry Council. The Council consist of the Leader and several coordinators: Spiritual Life, Missions, Mercy Ministries, Hospitality, Social, Stewardship, and Communications.
Women's Ministry Bible Studies
Women’s Ministry Bible Studies • SAVED: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts, by Nancy Guthrie meets on the 2nd/4th Tuesday at 10:00 AM for the morning study and the evening study meets at 5:30 PM on the 2nd/4th Tuesday). ACTS Part 1 – PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT will meet at 7:00 PM – 1st/3rd Tuesdays).
Men's Round Table
Every Tuesday evening (except for the 3rd Tuesday), men gather at the church for Men's Theology Night. The meeting is led by Pastor Jeremy and begins at 7 PM. A Zoom option is available. Currently studying Walking by the Spirit.
Men's Reading Group
The Men's Reading Group meets at the home of Pastor Wes (2205 Colewood Lane, Dover, FL 33527). It meets on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday evenings of the month. Currently reading Come WIth Me Through Revelation by David Pawson